这四个“被非主流”的奖项分别是:最佳摄影(Cinematography)、最佳剪辑(Film Editing)、最佳妆发(Makeup & Hairstyling),以及最佳真人短片(Live-action Short)。
Following an outcry from many of the movie industry's prominent figures, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has reversed its decision to present four Oscars during the telecast's commercial breaks.
"The Academy has heard the feedback from its membership regarding the Oscar presentation of four awards-Cinematography, Film Editing, Live Action Short, and Makeup and Hairstyling. All Academy Awards will be presented without edits, in our traditional format. We look forward to Oscar Sunday, February 24," an Academy statement said.
On Monday, the academy said that the winning speeches for cinematography, film editing, makeup and hairstyling, and live-action short would be aired in a shortened, taped segment during the broadcast.
美国电影艺术与科学学院(The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)主席John Bailey在给全体学院成员的内部信件中解释了原因:
"Viewing patterns for the Academy Awards are changing quickly in our current multi-media world, and our show must also evolve to successfully continue promoting motion pictures to a worldwide audience. This has been our core mission since we were established 91 years ago—and it is the same today."
今年奥斯卡的大热门、获得包含最佳摄影奖等在内共10项提名的电影《罗马》(Roma)导演Alfonso Cuarón发推称:“虽然电影史上有些经典作品没有声音、没有色彩、没有故事、没有演员或没有音乐,但没有一部电影能够脱离摄影和剪辑而存在。”
去年奥斯卡最佳影片《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)导演Guillermo del Toro称:“摄影和剪辑是电影艺术的核心,它们并非从戏剧传统和文学传统沿袭而来,它们即电影本身。”
入围本届最佳影片的《绿皮书》(Green Book)制片人Jim Burke表示,“不公开表彰剪辑师和摄影师是大错特错的。我的确支持缩短节目时长,但不是以电影制作流程中尤为重要的这两项为代价。”("To not publicly recognize editors and cinematographers is a big mistake. I'm in favor of a shorter show but not at the expense of these two vital components to the film-making process.")
(《我为玛丽狂》剧照 图/豆瓣)
《绿皮书》的导演Peter Farrelly也对最佳妆发设计入围影片表示了支持。在接受《泰晤士报》(The Times)专访时,Farrelly提到了1998年喜剧片《我为玛丽狂》(There's Something about Mary)中Cameron Diaz的经典“背头”造型。“没有发型设计和化妆,这部电影和普通的视频又有什么两样。”("Without hair and makeup, we got no movie. That goes straight to video without that hair.")
《盗梦空间》(Inception)和《蝙蝠侠·黑暗骑士》(The Dark Knight)等大片的摄影师Wally Pfister更是在Ins上发表多条抗议帖文,称“不会放弃斗争”。
之后,美国电影摄影师协会(The American Society of Cinematographers)联合包括导演李安、Martin Scorsese,演员Emma Stone、William Bradley Pitt、Kate Winslet等在内的近百名资深电影人发表联名公开信,喊话学院:“现在改变决定还为时不晚”。
Criticism of the move was fiercely contested by many of this year's Oscar nominees, including "Roma" director Alfonso Cuaron and "BlacKkKlansman" filmmaker Spike Lee. The American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) issued an open letter, signed by Martin Scorsese, Brad Pitt among others, calling the academy's plans an insult to cinematic art.
在数百位业内人士“联名上书”要求取消在典礼直播广告时段颁发奖项的这一决定后,学院紧急“灭火”,在一封致成员的公开信中回应称,典礼所颁发的每个奖项都同等重要,颁奖时间的调整并不会抹煞奖项本身的含金量("As the Academy’s officers, we’d like to assure you that no award category at the 91st Oscars ceremony will be presented in a manner that depicts the achievements of its nominees and winners as less than any others.")。信中还谴责了媒体和社交平台上“搞事情”的不实报道,表示正是这些错误信息才致使业内人士被误导。
在信中,协会称学院的这一回应“令人失望且自相矛盾(unsatisfying and oddly inaccurate)”,因为将四个奖项的颁发单独挪至广告时段的做法本就已经与学院“所有奖项同等重要”的说辞背道而驰。协会还称目前已获得越来越多业内人士的支持,希望学院再次慎重考虑撤回这一争议决定。
事实上,这已经不是本届奥斯卡第一次“被打脸”了。此前,新增最佳流行电影类奖项→被抗议→撤了/推迟新增,选了Kevin Hart主持→被抗议→Hart退出→典礼不设主持人了,打算请大牌明星颁发表演奖项,而不是按惯例请上届得奖者(学院未确认,但上届得奖者称曾被学院回复不打算找他们颁奖)→被抗议→还是请上届得奖者颁奖......
This is just the latest flip-flop by the academy in its attempts to tweak the Oscars.
The academy's headaches began after it last summer trotted out the induction of a "popular film Oscar." The plan sparked such outrage (Rob Lowe pronounced the film industry dead, "survived by sequels, tent-poles, and vertical integration") that the new award was scuttled within a month.
Kevin Hart was announced as this year's Oscar host only to withdraw days later when many took issue with his old homophobic tweets and the comedian initially "chose to pass on the apology." The Oscars are now host-less for only the fifth time in its 91-year history.
After first planning to limit the best song nominee performances, the academy confirmed that all songs will indeed be performed.
According to Variety, the 91st Oscars will now run over three hours as a result, which upends a leading Academy goal of trimming the show to 180 minutes.